defo labor's profile

Rácz Fürdő - Itt a tavasz

The Spring Is Here – a defo lecture

Defo is a design-oriented communication forum which was founded – according to the active philosophy of designfocus – by architect/interior architect Dóra Fónagy and trend consultant Panni Dávidházi. It is following in the footsteps of Eindhoven Design Academy and Lidewij Edelkoort (currently the head of Trend Union), who successfully introduced this form of mutual thinking and cooperation in line with market needs.
Defo’s aim is to build a network of contacts between investors, designers, distributors and media as well as to make it work concerning services and investments.

Through analysing the latest foreign projects, defo organizes programme-planning, sales and communicational value-analysing events, workshops and grants, hence links the companies that are active in the research of service projects with designers, professionals and universities. Defo’s new, information-based approach strengthen the relation between designers and innovative partners for the successful implementation of investments’ sake. So the operation of the professions follow a new method, which is more integrated, and instead of the previous aspects of products and investments, it results in an experience-based service model that mirrors the contemporary design approaches better.
The communication value of defo’s programme prevails comprehensively on more levels. Defo’s forum clearly position the role of innovation within projects and make designers and investors aware of it. The forum organizes its online and offline events in close cooperation with the media. Higher education institutions, professional and civil organizations are included in defo’s operation by continuous information flow and trainings.
Photography by Tamás Bujnovszky
Rácz Fürdő - Itt a tavasz

Rácz Fürdő - Itt a tavasz

Itt a tavasz defo-előadás A defo egy design-orientált kommunikációs fórum, amelyet 2007-ben alapított Fónagy Dóra építész/belsőépítész, illetve Read More
